FBMessenger is a stand-alone Facebook Messenger app for Linux, very similar to the official Messenger for Windows . This isn't an offic...
FBMessenger is a stand-alone Facebook Messenger app for Linux, very similar to the official Messenger for Windows . This isn't an offic...
Gwibber, the microblogging client available by default in Ubuntu, has been rewritten in QML recently and is now called Friends App. Also, G...
The previous troutal we have learned how to create facebook page for website/blog and business and in this post we will learn how to add Fa...
Facebook is the world's second largest website after Google and no one social media website. Nowadays the all internet users use Faceb...
If you want some of the details of any person in Facebook , but you can not be friends with him, which is also the basic information such as...
Facebook doesn't currently work with Gwibber (the Facebook feeds aren't updated - bug HERE ) and this bug affects Ubuntu 12.10, 12.0...
fbcmd is a cross-platform tool that lets you use Facebook from the command line. It supports posting a status, uploading photos, creating ...