PayPal (http://www.paypal.com) is an e-commerce company, giving service to users in many countries. they have over twenty five million registered users, together with over three million business accounts.
PayPal is that the preferred on-line Payment entry selection, and is that the best Payment entry to use. it's a free sign-up method and you'll be up and running with a PayPal account inside no time in the least. PayPal accepts members only from a given set of countries, and it's important to note that members outside these countries won't be allowed to transact at all, using PayPal.
But today i will tell you how to open Paypal
account outside of given countries and how to verify Paypal
account all over the world, this method work on all countries. I am from Pakistan and Paypal doesn't support Pakistan but i also use verified Paypal account in
Pakistan without any problem. So you can also start using verified Paypal account in your country.
How to Get verified PayPal Account
1. You only need a credit card to start using PayPalPaypal support some countries and other countries don't use Paypal services so you need a Supported country credit card for verify Paypal account. It is difficult to get credit card, but I explained in our last post.
Read more
how to get free prepaid master debit card by Payoneer.
How to Create PayPal Account
When you get your free debit card and after activate it, you can sign up to Paypal account.
1.Go to the PayPal website.
2. Click on the Sign Up button. The
"Sign Up" link is located at the top right of the homepage.
3. Select a country, language and account type, if your country does not exist,
then will be chosen default country. and chose any other supported country and click "Get Started"
For business accounts, there are three different options, each of which have different cost structures and benefits:
Standard: free, but customers must route through PayPal in order to check out.
Advanced: $5/month, and customers can check out directly on your website.
Pro: $30/month, and you get to full control over how you want to design the checkout process.
4. On the next page enter your contact information, as well as a password, when prompted by PayPal. Use your current email address so forgotten passwords can be retrieved, and all information and address use the credit card shopping address .
5. Enjoy your new PayPal account. You may receive an email from Paypal asking you to activate your account. If this happens, open your email from PayPal and click on "Activate." This will activate your account and open your PayPal account in a new window.
How to add credit card & verify PayPal Account
1 After created Paypal account log in to your account and click "Get verified"

2.You can choose to confirm your financial details and get Verified any time before reaching your PayPal sending or withdrawal limits. There are two ways you do this Select option 2 "Confirm your credit card"
After Click Get Started go to next page and enter your card detail address and click continue.
After All process PayPal Send a Conform code to your credit card account go to your credit card website and check PP*xxxCode message copy xxxx Character and past into your Paypal account. Paypal Charge 1.97$ into your credit card.
Your PayPal Account Verified Successfully. Enjoy