Skippy-XD is a lightweight full-screen window picker for X11, similar to the Mac OS X " Exposé " feature , useful for desktop en...
Skippy-XD is a lightweight full-screen window picker for X11, similar to the Mac OS X " Exposé " feature , useful for desktop en...
Insync is an unofficial Google Drive client that "extends Drive's web functionality to your desktop by integrating tightly with Wi...
After an update today, Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander, the LXDE Ubuntu flavour, has switched to Firefox as the default web browser, replac...
Variety is a wallpaper changer that automatically downloads wallpapers from sources such as Wallbase, Flickr, Wallpapers.net, Desktoppr, N...
Variety , a cool wallpaper changer that works with most desktop environments (KDE, LXDE, Xfce, Unity, GNOME Shell, Cinnamon or Pantheon), h...
Lubuntu , an official Ubuntu flavour starting with version 11.10 which uses LXDE, a lightweight desktop environment by default, has reached ...