Elegance Colors , a chameleonic, highly customizable GNOME Shell theme, has been updated today, the new version bringing an option to export...
How To Find Out To Which PPA Repository A Package Belongs To
There are various reasons why you may need to find out to which PPA a package belongs to, for instance, in case a package in a PPA breaks so...
Pin Notes To Your Desktop With StickyNotes Indicator
StickyNotes Indicator is a simple appindicator which can be used to place post-it (sticky) notes on your Linux desktop. The notes placement ...
How To Customize GDM 3.6+ Login / Lock Screen (Change Theme, Wallpaper)
GDM3Setup , a tool to tweak the GDM3 login screen / lock screen, has been updated recently to support the latest stable GDM 3.6. GDM3Setup f...
Install Thunar 1.6.0 With Tabs Support In Xubuntu 12.10 Or 12.04 [Xfce]
Thunar, the default Xfce file manager, has reached version 1.6.0, getting a much-requested feature: tabs. For now, using middle click to ope...
Ubuntu Tweak Gets Full Ubuntu 12.10 Support With Version 0.8.2
Ubuntu Tweak , a popular tweak tool, was updated yesterday to version 0.8.2, which brings full support for Ubuntu 12.10, so the features tha...
Ubuntu 13.04: Only Some GNOME Components To Be Updated, GTK Not One Of Them
According to an UDS session held a few days ago, it was decided to stay with stable GNOME for Ubuntu 13.04 and only update some components....