Steam for Linux beta has been released today and for now is only available to 1000 lucky users who have applied using the Steam beta survey ...
Highly Customizable, Chameleonic GNOME Shell theme `Elegance Colors` Sees New Release
Elegance Colors , a chameleonic, highly customizable GNOME Shell theme, has been updated today, the new version bringing an option to export...
How To Find Out To Which PPA Repository A Package Belongs To
There are various reasons why you may need to find out to which PPA a package belongs to, for instance, in case a package in a PPA breaks so...
Pin Notes To Your Desktop With StickyNotes Indicator
StickyNotes Indicator is a simple appindicator which can be used to place post-it (sticky) notes on your Linux desktop. The notes placement ...
How To Customize GDM 3.6+ Login / Lock Screen (Change Theme, Wallpaper)
GDM3Setup , a tool to tweak the GDM3 login screen / lock screen, has been updated recently to support the latest stable GDM 3.6. GDM3Setup f...
Install Thunar 1.6.0 With Tabs Support In Xubuntu 12.10 Or 12.04 [Xfce]
Thunar, the default Xfce file manager, has reached version 1.6.0, getting a much-requested feature: tabs. For now, using middle click to ope...
Ubuntu Tweak Gets Full Ubuntu 12.10 Support With Version 0.8.2
Ubuntu Tweak , a popular tweak tool, was updated yesterday to version 0.8.2, which brings full support for Ubuntu 12.10, so the features tha...