Hello friends , After a blazing entrance of HTC One in the mobile market creating a lot of buzz with the ultra pixel camera , the Mini versi...
Regarding the blog
Hello every one, all of you may be wondering why the blog isn't updating . The reason of that question is the reason if writing this pos...
Install OpenJDK Patched With Font Fixes [Ubuntu PPA]
While working on the Infinality article, I've noticed that " slow ", who is behind the Infinality PPA for Ubuntu, maintains a...
Unity Smart Scopes Feature Lands In Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander [Video]
The Unity Smart Scopes (also known as "100 scopes") feature has landed in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander today . This feature tri...
Video Showing The Current Ubuntu Phone State
Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager, has posted a video today in which he shows the current state of Ubuntu Phone OS running on a Gala...
Xfce Theme Manager: A Single GUI To Change Any Xfce Theme (With Previews)
Xfce uses multiple settings GUIs for setting the window border, controls, icons, mouse cursor theme and so on and it doesn't include any...
Better Font Rendering In Linux With Infinality
Many of you have probably already heard of Infinality, but I've decided to write a post about it anyway, for those who aren't famili...