The Intel Linux Graphics Installer and the Intel repository have been updated with the latest 2013Q2 Intel Graphics Stack, for Ubuntu 13.04 ...
Skippy-XD: Expose-Like Window Picker For Xfce, LXDE, Etc.
Skippy-XD is a lightweight full-screen window picker for X11, similar to the Mac OS X " Exposé " feature , useful for desktop en...
Whisker Menu Update Brings Support For Opening The Menu Using A Keyboard Shortcut, Other Enhancements [Xfce]
Whisker Menu is an alternative to the Xfce application menu that features a search function so you can easily find the application you want...
Google Drive Client `Insync` For Linux Out Of Beta, Gets Selective Sync Support
Insync is an unofficial Google Drive client that "extends Drive's web functionality to your desktop by integrating tightly with Wi...
How To Create And Verify Paypal Account
PayPal ( is an e-commerce company, giving service to users in many countries. they have over twenty five million regis...
Wine 1.6 Released With ~10,000 Changes
After 16 months of development, a new stable Wine version has been released: 1.6, bringing around 10,000 changes , including full support f...
Dota 2 Officially Released For Linux [Steam]
Quick update: the much awaited Dota 2 game has been officially released for Linux (Steam). This isn't the " Dota 2 Test " ...