The stable Tomdroid , an application compatible with Tomboy Notes that you can use to sync notes between your desktop computer and Android ...
How To Get Encrypted Blu-Rays Working In VLC
With a small tweak, the latest VLC 2.0.x should be able to play most Blu-rays released before 2012 (it doesn't work for Blu-rays that us...
reNIX: A Squared, Android Like GTK3 Theme Compatible With Unity And GNOME Shell
reNIX is an interesting Android like GTK theme that uses a squared Metacity theme and is compatible with both Unity and GNOME Shell. The th...
Get Up To 20GB Of Extra Free UbuntuOne Cloud Storage By Inviting Your Friends
Ubuntu One is a cloud service similar to Dropbox, SpiderOak and so on, which allows users to store files online and sync them between compu...
Unity 2D No Longer Installed By Default, Removed From The Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal Repositories
According to the latest " ubuntu-meta " package update from the Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal repositories, Unity 2D will no longer be in...
How To Install Dropbox In Xubuntu And Get Thunar Integration (Xfce)
The Ubuntu deb package available for download via the official Dropbox website requires Nautilus. But if you're using Xubuntu (Xfce), y...
Fix Dell XPS 13 Backlight Brightness Not Adjustable And Trackpad Not Working Properly In Ubuntu 12.04 Or 12.10
Sputnik Kernel PPA is an official Canonical Hardware Enablement Team PPA that provides an updated Linux Kernel which fixes some Dell XPS 13 ...