TypeCatcher is an application that allows to easily browse, search, download and install fonts from the Google Web Fonts collection, which ...
Using Nvidia Graphics Drivers With Initial Optimus Support In Ubuntu 13.10 Got Easier With Nvidia-Prime
As you probably know, the Nvidia graphics drivers have received initial Optimus support a while back. Currently, the Nvidia GPU can be used...
Tribler BitTorrent Client Sees New Release [Ubuntu PPA]
Tribler is an open source, decentralized peer-to-peer client based on the BitTorrent protocol, available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. L...
AeroFS Makes Cloudless, Secure File Sync Easy
AeroFS is a tool somewhat similar to BitTorrent Sync , that allows you to securely synchronize files between computers. The data is synchr...
Rhythmbox Google Play Music Plugin: Rhythmbox-GMusic
Rhythmbox-GMusic is a Rhythmbox plugin for Google Play Music . Using Rhythmbox-GMusic, you can play your Google Play music using Rhythmbox. ...
Xubuntu 13.10 XMir ISO Available For Testing
The Xubuntu team hasn't decided yet if the Xfce Ubuntu flavor will switch to XMir or continue with X.org for 13.10. Before making the de...
Ambiance Theme Updated With Dark Toolbars For Nautilus And Other GNOME 3 Apps [Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander]
The Ubuntu Light Themes - Ambiance and Radiance -, have been updated today in Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander with a fix for the GNOME 3 ...