According to Opera’s latest report on the state of mobile advertising for the first quarter of this year, iOS leads over Android in mobile devices based impression volume and continues to remain the top platform in terms of monetization from advertisements, with the highest average eCPM and greatest percentage of publisher revenue. The findings recorded more than 50 billion ad impressions per month from over 12,000 sites and apps reaching about 300 million global consumers. Also the major category to drive the revenue growth and gets maximum traction has been recorded to be music, video and media.
According to the report, iOS leads the market when it comes to driving ad revenues from users, generating close to 45 percent of traffic and about 50 percent of revenue alone. With 31.91 percent of overall smartphone traffic, the iPhone has recorded a slight lead over Android devices with 31.26 of traffic recorded this quarter. On the tablet front, Android tablets have been noticed to be doing well, and have picked up by a small yet significant share in contributing to ads. Meanwhile, the iPad dominates, growing to over 6 percent of all ad impressions and over 12 percent of all revenue. It has also been recorded that, Samsung’s Galaxy S III has driven 11 percent of all Android traffic, which is about 2 percent up from 9 percent last quarter.
As far as the countries are concerned, India ranks fifth among the top countries in ad revenue generation from mobile devices, and contributes a major chunk of the 14.25 percent of total impressions registered from Asia Pacific. At the top, the US contributed approximately 60 percent of all ad requests registered in Q4 2012 and this quarter has dipped by almost 10 percent to 50.67 percent. European markets have been recorded to have generated over 21 percent of ad requests, up from 14.61 percent the previous quarter.
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