Analyze Keyword Competition

Hello there  ,
After writing a post on How to get Your backlinks Indexed by the Search Giant-Google 

I am here to tell you how to analyze the keyword competition of a specific keyword you would rank for . 

Keywords are one of the most important thing in SEO . Doing Keyword Research Is the Key to success of getting more traffic .However all of you may doing Keyword research but not experiencing any change. Then you should ask your self about your strength of Off-Page SEO . Whether Your Off-Page SEO is good or not . Although your keyword is good . It may have been chosen by others as well . In that case what Google should do . They get confused as both of them are having the same keyword . Then Search Engines looks for the strength of your SEO . On page SEO as well As Off-Page SEO . The One who has done good SEO and have a good PR will rank higher then you  . 

Highly Recommended : How to do Keyword Research To Increase your Traffic

But this post is written to explain how to analyze the competition of a keyword . For Example , If I want to rank for Nokia Lumia 620 . I can simply do good SEO and then choose the keyword . But it is impossible. 
Do you Know why ? 
Because there are great authority sites having this keywords and articles about them. So the competition of this keyword is high and I can't rank for it . So I will drop the keyword and will rank for another good keyword with low competition . 


This Post  is exactly to determine the competition . So do not waste time and come to the Topic .

Also Look : Build Backlinks By Article Submission

Keyword Competition

Well there are many ways to check the competition of a keyword . You can research on your preferred keyword with the online Google Adwords Keyword Tool . However , it says the competition of a word or key-phrase but still you may be not happy . 
Now let me explain with example .
You have a keyword say Lg Optimus L7 . If you research it in Google tool you will find the competition stated as low . But it may not be the point . However , there is no information about how Google Determines competition
But if does it by PR , then if there are PR6-10 Sites that are ranking on your keyword the competition is high . PR3-5 ,Competition Medium , PR-1-2 ,Competition Low .
How ever if you have a Blog with a PR 4 , than it is good to choose the keyword "LG optimus L7 Series" . But if you are Newbie in blogging and have PR 0 then . No this is the problem . If you want to rank for a keyword and the competition is also low but still traffic is not there .


Then you should do manual research without a automatic tool . 

Manual Keyword Research 

Now , even if you are junkie in blogging , still you may be having 30-100 pageviews per day . And after some month you may also have Alexa Rank Below 1 Crore . If you are satisfying this criteria then go ahead . 
To do Manual Keywords Research , it is never a hard task . But it do take time .
Firstly you have to take a keyword you want to rank for relevant to your niche site . Then just do the research using Google Tool . Just note down the Searches Per Month . And also have a look at the competition . If it is High Leave the keyword . If Medium think on it . If Low Take it . Proceed Further . 

Next search your keyword in Google , and then note down the domain name of first 5 URL. Just Check their Alexa Rank and Page Rank . If it is not so great You can use the keyword.
Simple Isn't it . Yes it is simple but sometime , it could take hours finding a good word or key phrase .


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That's all . 
Thanks for reading . You may Guide Me where ever I have done mistake and also give your views  about the article . Waiting for your replies ...


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