Why a TLD Domain is Important For Blogs and Cheapest .com Domain Ever
Hello there ,
I am Back you to tell you why a .com domain or any TLD is important when you are
serious in Blogging.
This post is written for them who are not getting enough traffic instead of many hardcore unique articles . But this post should be must read by every blogger .
TLD are very important in the web world and comes at a price . All of you may not be as much happy with the .blogspot.com and want to have a taste of Tld . Well you should upgrade right now if you have money to do so .
TLD (Top Level Domain ) have a greater value when compared to a sub-domain by anyone . Having a TLD shows how serious you are about blogging .
Google also respects TLD and thus gives them good ranking . TLD is however not necessary when in basic blogging .
The Rule is that first you expert blogging , if you think you can stand in the blog-sphere and could make a good profitable income , then TLDs comes in .
Tlds are domain with the extension like .com , net , .org ,etc.
Recommended For You :How to Increase Traffic By doing off-page SEO
The advantages of TLDs :-
- Easy To Remember
- Recommended For Serious Bloggers
- Good From the View Of SEO
- Appears Professional and Seriousness

Well you should buy one if you want to express your seriousness .
And When we pay for something then there are no disadvantages for sure .
Grab the Cheapest .com Domain Offer on Godaddy {Just $.099 }
Are You thinking that a .com are priced too high to afford by common peoples . No they aren't . Normal Rates Are 6$ .
But this month , it is gonna be real cheap . Yes Real cheap . That even a child can afford with his pocket money .
However there is additional charge for ICANN . I am not sure about it . It ranges from $0.10-$0.18 . Now that may Sum up to $1.10 Dollar or so . So why are you leaving this offer . Just grab it . The offer Expires on end of the May 2013 . You just have to use promo code scott99 at godady .
Here are the steps :-
--> - Sign up for free at godaddy.com
- Search Your Domain , if available , then click on Buy Now
- When the next screens appear , you have to just enter this promo code "scott99"
- All set . Pay the Amount . Domain is yours . Congo
- That's all
Thanks For Reading . Well I am also gonna purchase one for sure . Till then stay tune for more updates .
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