But you also have a personal life .
You must have a family , studies and more :D
You don't get much time to manage all things . The result is that either your blog or personal life suffer . Just the reason is you don't have a proper timetable for all these stuffs .
Time Management For Part Time Bloggers
Below I am giving some tips for Bloggers so that you can have a good time-table . These are helpful and I hope it helps you too.
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Have a Schedule Ready
Always have a schedule ready of your Life . I mean when you go to collage and when you come to home . How many hours you get free to spare after all your studies and job stuffs.
If you have a good time schedule then you can be a successful blogger.
How Much Time You Waste
After having a schedule it is necessary that you check your time wastage . Are you spending a lot of time on Social Networks? . Are you in love with the television ? Are you wasting too much time on un-necessary things? Ask this must question to your mind and avoid it and you will be a successful blogger .
Many people make a schedule for daily life , but blogging is another thing , it has other parts too ... Like doing SEO , optimizing your Social Content and most important writing content this all should be divide in a particular good manner .
Look at a example of Schedule :
1}Blog Analytics- Includes searching errors on your blog page , your blog performance, error on templates. You should give at least 15-20 minutes for this type on these things .In this time you just have to note down the errors and you can fix them at last .
2}Writing a Blog Post- This section includes the most important part of any blog that is writing a blog post . Take your time . Select your topic . Build blue-chart of what you will write in your mind and start writing . You should complete this section in 1-2 hours . It depends on how much time you have .
3}Optimizing Social World - What you have written you have to popularize it so promote your content on Social Networks . Share it and you will have already gained good traffic for blog. By doing this you are taking another step to become a successful Blogger .You can do this section in a half-hour
4}Fixing Errors on Blogs - Now you have done enough thing , now you have to fix errors on your blog . Bring the list of errors in front of you and correct them . Do this in 1 hour.
5}Doing SEO - Now you have to gain a lot of traffic so SEO comes to spotlight . You have already promoted it on Social network . So you should do a little bit of link building .
So comment on some high authority blogs or sites and gain as little as 2 back links a day .

If you are considering the schedule above , you can clearly see that it has each thing at a specific time . Never try to do multitasking . Never look at the stats of your blog when writing a post . It does nothing but distracts your mind and you end up a weird post . It is also a wise idea to write while turning off the internet so that you don't get distracted .
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Write a Blog Post at Good Time

So if you follow this things you will surely be a successful blogger . Any how you still have to give your studies or job as same importance that you give to blogger . I am also expecting your precious reply .
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