Hello there ,
After writing a post on Increase Blog Traffic By Hardwork , I am here to present you another way of getting a traffic boost which will also enhance your Online Earning if you have ads on your Blog /Website .
All of you may know that every one who surf the internet, 90% of them have at least one social profile on any Social Client/Platform .
Social Life is also considered as 2nd life . Social Networks are gaining more and more power especially Facebook , Twitter , Linkedin , Pinterest and more .
All of you may know that every one who surf the internet, 90% of them have at least one social profile on any Social Client/Platform .
Social Life is also considered as 2nd life . Social Networks are gaining more and more power especially Facebook , Twitter , Linkedin , Pinterest and more .
Well it is wise to get traffic from some of the above . It is very easy process but some hard work is required to do some successful work .
Social Network Is considered to be one of the most important part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) . With Sharing your Content on any of the social network with a good profile , you can expect good amount of traffic .
Out of all social Network Facebook is one of the most famous and widely used . It is the most powerful network followed by Twitter . In this article I will give you some tips that I know that can increase your Blog Traffic . In this post we will mainly focus On Facebook as a weapon .
Recommended For You : Create a Post which will increase your traffic
How to Do It ?
First of all you should have a very killer Professional looking Fan Page of your Blog /
Site . Remember that you should not only share your content but also give something that is exclusive of other sites and most people are interested in . You should build a fan page and try to get as many likes as possible at least 1000 likes. The reason is if you share any of your article over there then you can have a traffic boost of another 500 peoples because your blog's share get posted to all other people who have liked them .
Must See:Increase Traffic By Optimizing Image
It is very easy process. Just in this case you need a killer fan page with as many likes as possible .
Social Media has brought revolution in the world . So my hesitate to promote your Blog over there when you are getting traffic in exchange .
Have a Look:How to Ad Adsense Ads Anywhere in the Post
That's all . In future I will tell you to use your Twitter and Many Social Network accounts to promote your content online . Thanks for reading . I have this many tips can you tell me a new tip so that I can Include it here or give me a Idea what to post next .
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