Add Adsense Ads Anywhere in Your Blog Post without messing Template


Hello there  , 
After wrote the post Increase your e-income from adsense , I forgot one important thing there , that is posting ads between the content of your blog post . So here I am  to correct that mistake. 
After following the above post , still many of you may be getting good CTR but few clicks . Now this post is especially if you are not getting adsense clicks . 

Every one adds  the Adsense units in header , sidebar . But are your readers really look at the header . Search Engine Traffic just want to know the content . And they rarely look at what is at sidebar or at the header . They are just focusing on your article's content . So many adsense Publishers are facing the problem of getting very less clicks . 

However, it is wise to place adsense ads below the title  as clicks are most over there . But why are you forgetting the content . You should post adsense units also in the content of your post . So why do hesitate not putting them  . If you are afraid that you have to mess with the HTML of your template than perhaps you are wrong . This tutorial is one of the simplest tutorial ever published on this blog . 
You want more clicks , then place ads in the content , to do so , follow the simplest Tutorial . 

Tutorial To Place Adsense Ads anywhere in the Post

First of all you should go-to your adsense account and then log in there . Then when the page is fully loaded just click on My Ads tab . From the My Ads Tab Click On New Ad Unit . 
Then Enter the ad settings I mean the color , background , size and more . Usually good size to place in the article is medium rectangle or a 200*200 . Also If you have placed maximum Ad units that is text Image ads then you should try with the link Units .

When you have successfully created the ad click on Get Code and then just copy the code to Notepad or your clipboard . 
Now Go to your Blogger Blog Editor , No not the template editor but the one where you write post . After you have successfully written a post , click on Edit HTML button , next to compose button in top-left .  

--> Decide where you want to place the code.
 Just Place your Code from Notepad or Clipboard you copied .That's IT . You have placed the ad . I would recommend placing the ad in a way that it doesn't get mixed up with the link and it is violation of adsense Terms and Condition .

Thanks for reading . Share your views and your queries if you have any . 


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