Killer Ways TO Increase Your Adsense Earnings !
Hello there ,

I am back here to tell you killer ways which will help you to increase your online earning from adsense .
In this post I am going to focus on ways to ways that can probably help you if you follow them to increase your online earning . However , these ways will not be helpful if you don't follow it carefully .
Adsense has now become a major part of my life , as I am making a living out of it . However , the earning of the first month didn't satisfied me . So I started to implement some ways that can increase my earnings .
Although , many blogger and webmaster may be making some amount from adsense , but not that much that they deserve .
These Tips will help to increase your CTR and your adsense earnings .
Also Read : Simple Tutorial To Ad Adsense Ads Anywhere In the Post
- Don't Change The Ad color and Don't Blend Them - The ad units that are not customized and their colors are default that is blue looks pleasant to your visitors and tends to perform better than the customized one . But however this tip will only come too handy when using a link units.

- Use Wider ads rather than using long ones - It is wise to use a leader board size ad rather than using a skyscraper . They are also considered to perform better . Wider ads also takes up more space and the more space taken by a ad has more chance of getting clicked .
- Write Awesome Article - No one in the world will visit your blog or website just for clicking ads on your blog . All they want is what they had come from . In order to increase earning you should not write a article that makes no sense and a article of 100 words . A article is considered as best when it is rich in content and media ( Images , Videos ) , providing Good Resources and makes a good sense with some points that visitors needs to ask themselves .
- Diversify your content - Diversifying your content is a good way of increasing your earning . If you blog in India , it's a good Idea to blog about technologies in India and getting traffic from the country . However , it will limit your traffic from other countries as your content is local . This in turn will limit your traffic with low RPM( because India is not a developed country and so has low RPM when Compared to developed ones like U.S .)
Recommended For You : Adsense - Making Money | Increasing Income
- Link Your Content To Your other Relevant Content - It help you to increase your SERP , lower the bounce rate and build loyal reader ship and indirectly helps in increasing your adsense earnings . Building Internal links will be best if you want to lower your bounce rate . This will help your readers to stay on your website/blog for a long time . And as reader will longer view your pages , chance are greater that you will get more clicks .
I hope these tips will work great for you as it worked for me . I will be even more happy if you share your views regarding the article by commenting here . You are also free to share the article and Bookmark it on your bookmarking site . It would be even more better if you give us +1 and follow me on Twitter and Like our Page on Facebook for updates .
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