Thing To Do To Optimize Your Wordpress Blog
Hello there ,

This is the reason that many blogger today are starting a Wordpress Blog . Wordpress is easy to install . Just you need a free account . Many of you may be tweaking it for better optimization but you may not be unleashing its full limit .
In this guide I am gonna tell you , how to optimize your wordpress blog .
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How to Optimize Your Wordpress Blog
The Tips below are can only be applied to Self - Hosted Wordpress blog rather than the default hosted ones . Now without wasting time , lets start :
1] Changing the Media Upload Folder :

It is wise that you should store your media outside the wordpress folder . If you are allowed to create sub-domains than you should create "" sub-domain and upload all your content on that sub domain . This will make the address of your images and many more things shorter . Storing media on different Folder also tends to decrease your page load time . However , these option are vanished from the Wordpress version 3.5 , but there is always a solution . You can bring those option back by downloading this plugin - Wordpress Upload URL Path Enabler - Wordpress Plugin.
2]Prevent People from exploring your Wordpress Folder Structure
You may surely not like people viewing your Folder Structure of your Wordpress Site . Yes people can have a look at your content by just using the exploring option . To prevent this from happening , you can add a code " Options All -Indexes" to your .htaccess document . The file is located in the Wordpress Installation direcotry .
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3] Disabling HTML in Wordpress Comments .

add_filter( 'pre_comment_content', 'wp_specialchars' );" (without Quotes).
4] Hide the Secondary Wordpress Feeds .
This is the most important for all wordpress Blogs . Your Wordpress has multiple feeds namely the feed of your blog , comments ,article and category . These are auto - dicoverable as they are included in the HTML header of your blog using the meta tag of <link>
Well if you don't like this function , you can disable the extra feed by adding the following codes -
"remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 ); remove_action( 'wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3 ); "
in your function.php file .
5]Fix the Missing Favicons
Your Wordpress Theme may not have all the favicons that are your reader's browser wants. The problem in this category is resulting a 404 when the browser searches for Apple touch icons . To ensure it doesn't happens with your blog , it is essential that you save a 16×16 favicon.ico and a 144×144 apple-touch.png file in your home directory of your self hosted blog . Then add this line of code -
" RedirectMatch 301 /apple-touch-icon(.*)?.png" (without quotes)
to your .htaccess file in order to redirect the browser searching for the apple touch icons.
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